Finals went smashingly well, I must say... and now that it's summer I'm hoping I'll have more time to read, despite my full-time job.
This post is just a short update, and also a quick announcement: the new Sarah Dessen book is out today! I preordered it and will probably have started reading by the time this post goes up. I'm sure all YA lovers are aware of Sarah Dessen's brilliance, but I figured I must urge all of my readers to go pick up a copy of one of her books immediately if they have yet to give her a shot. She is truly a brilliant writer; the first YA writer I ever read, and her books will always hold a special place in my heart (and on my bookshelf).

So... go read them :) And if you've read them already, go read them again!
PS. Reviews to come soon... I've got a lot to catch up on!
Love her. Been looking forward to picking this one up.