Hope it's a good one. Personally I'll be spending my day catching up on some much-needed sleep, setting up a bulletin board, and hopefully finishing some homework.
Anyways, here's the real reason you're reading this post!

This post is going to cover the last two weeks, because I didn't get the chance to post last weekend.
Here's what I've gotten!

Signed and sent by Brenda for review... I think it sounds like a super intriguing book, and it's actually next in my pile of "for fun" reads. I'm looking forward to it!
In my post yesterday I talked about Wuthering Heights, which was only so-so. After watching the first half of the movie, I know that Jane Eyre will be a fantastic read. I can't wait!
That's all for my mailbox, but I'm pretty pleased with it :)
Thanks for reading!
I really want to read Jane Eyre. I've heard great things about it...obviously seeing as it's a classic and all. ;) Hope you enjoy these both Jane! :)