The beginning of this story could easily mislead someone... it could have went in an entirely different direction. Instead of being a horror story, this could have been... well, perhaps a romance. Or a story about two sisters.
But then you can tell that it most definitely is a horror story. Because there are creepy stalker guys. Nothing is more chilling than a group of robed, dark figures lurking about a cottage.
It all gets scarier from there. The creepy figures multiply and soon both girls in the cottage are afraid for their lives. The suspense is overwhelming. I had to know what was going to happen... and eventually I did. I have to say, the conclusion was a bit disappointing, and I wish I could learn a bit more. However, I was still satisfied. This was a decent start-off story for a non-thriller reader like myself, and for anyone else looking for a short story to read for Halloween.
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